
Based upon at least 7 email suggestions, as per the cultural
democratic format of this WebSite, Parents Corner is the result.
These are the initial resource development groups, more are to follow.
See included are Roger M. Christian's quotes.
Here at Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), NY your comments are taken very seriously. Alternatives
in Child Rearing Conferences, State University of New York @ Buffalo, Community Action Corps 1977, Roger
M. Christian.
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There is a central perplexing question, which confronts every mother, and father when starting out is how their own expectations
for their children's future success can be further facilitated by their here and now ability at childrearing ? This website
is to facilitate development network of neighborhoods - block groups who are to look creatively into this question.
The goal for every parent who is computer savy is to know how to provide and obtain online resources
concerning the known proven options in the rearing of their child or children. Moreover, when difficult and anxiety
questions which may arise which can be employed in this critical developmental stages and other aspects of bring up a
child into full adulthood of assurances.
The First Step is to join one of the Yahoo Groups which are the links above in the Parents Corner section of this site.
Then as the numbers are compared with addresses and zip codes meetup will be the next step. It is from here, in
the initial MeetUp you find in each other the additional experiences you are looking or have been longing for.
Here's Smiling at you!
Child - Children's toons sample of a collection to lively up those special kid's or parent's Facebook,
MySpace, blogs and web sites:
Below you have a play format in which to assist in the development of your child, and
in the following web pages you have qualitified resourses in which to draw from.
All information reported or published has been check by at least three sources.
Roger M. Christian

Children's Dance Hour