The Central Issue of the 21st Century, as well as inquiry are the Fundemental Human Right to Full Discovery.
It is the basic definitions, as well as the verbal and written forms of communications, their interrelationship
to ones own environment cultural dynamics in the personal development of perceptions, and how within the present dynamics
of globalization this is transmitted and the demands this will have on International InterCultural Communications.
Who are the adjudicators in establishing defined terms?
What is the overall impact this will have on personal rights to self - determination?
How in the development of these rights, whether they are legislated into existance, or paid for by additional
education of the individual who are the assigned facilitators?
What are the legal constraints in such immediate and direct concerns on further experimentation on recently
fertilized human female ovum for example?
All of which calls into further attention ones own cultural heritage, personal faith issues, and what are
connections in whether one has the full rights to recieve access to hgher education, and ownership of their research
as well. This likewise calls basic challenges to the pedagogic mission of each University, College, and Technical educating
institution beyond secondary education.
In International relations, more important for the United States and its allies, how the International aid
is to be modified, and the realistic focus in confering with the population on the ground what this means to them personally
and as a community.
It is this focus and the need to advance its real proposition which demand and informed sector to act as
an adovcate; for the principals itself is likewise as important as to defeat the human aging process itself,
In the effort to full investigate the complete environment envelop within life itself, it is the advocacy
of fundemental Human Rights to Full Discovery which in the end will create a full life with out aging.
Mr. Roger Meredith Christian, Ithaca, New York, 14850.