BOSTON, Mass. — What do nearly 70 million Americans have in common? Can eating habits affect joint cartilage? What
makes one joint supplement better than the next? Two experts in the field of nutrition
and sports medicine, Kristine Clark, PhD and Leslie Bonci, MPH, will tackle these and other issues at the upcoming Boston
Women’s Show at the World Trade Center, September 22 - 24, 2006. Their presentation is sponsored by GELITA Health Products,
Presenters, Kristine Clark, PhD and Leslie Bonci, MPH will share their knowledge through a series of workshops. Combined, they have over 50 years of experience in the nutrition arena and will work to facilitate the following seminar: “A Girlfriend’s Guide and Insider Tips to Healthy Weight and Better Joints.” The efforts are part of the Boston Women Show’s “Minding Your Body” wellness zone, sponsored by Gelita Health Products, the makers of CH-Alpha(TM)
While one of a variety of joint supplements on the market, CH-Alpha(TM) is the only product with a U.S. patent that is specifically designed for cartilage regeneration.
“The deterioration of cartilage in joints,” Dr. Clark said, “may explain the loss of flexibility and increased stiffness that many people experience in their weight-bearing joints, such as knees and hips. Chronic joint symptoms are the leading cause of disability in people 18 and over. And, the over-50 crowd is expected to double by 2020.”
As a result, issues pertaining to joint health will be of increasing interest to many Americans. Women, in particular, compose a large percentage of this group and addressing challenges specific to them is Dr. Clark’s and Bonci’s mission.
Dr. Clark is the Director of Sports Nutrition for Penn State University’s Athletic Department and Nutritionist for the United States Women’s Olympic Gold Medal soccer team. In addition to counseling athletes and students, she advises coaches, physicians, and trainers on issues regarding weight management, food and nutrition and physical activity. She hosts a monthly show on Pennsylvania Public Radio, Your Health, a call in program on weight loss, workout programs and overall health. She is a Fellow at the American Academy of Sports Medicine and a member of the board of the American Council on Fitness and Nutrition.
Leslie Bonci is the Director of the Sports Medicine Nutrition Program at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and an adjunct professor in the school of Dental Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh’s Medical Center. She is a leading expert on nutrition and exercise and is the nutrition consultant to the Pittsburgh Steelers. She is a frequent contributor on the Today Show and a former media spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.
“A Girlfriends Guide and Insider Tips to Healthy Weight and Better Joints” will be presented on the workshop stage at the Boston Women’s Show on Friday, September 22 at 7 p.m., and again on Saturday, September 23 at 1:30 and 3:30 p.m.; and on Sunday, September 24 at 12 and 3:00 p.m.
Both presenters will be available before and after presentations at Booth #1195 at the Boston Women’s Show to answer questions and review materials presented.
More information about the Boston Women’s Show: