Breast Feeding is considered the basic norm of every culture, society, and dominion.

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Comment: There is an important cultural - historic lesson here, and one which should always be emphasised.
In the past: During the 1920s to about the mid 1980, breast were high'ly sexualized and exploited. Then, and for racial bias
factors, African society was likewise looked down upon for bare breasted African women, along with breast feeding; their culture
was view as being inferior. Now during the 21st Centruy: Breast Feeding is considered the basic norm of every culture, society,
and dominion. Yet, for a while in European, and later in American culture this was considered something to be avoided. Nevertheless,
and during the 1980s researchers who looked at " Mother's Milk " found it to be highly necessary for the full development
of both the child's body and mental development. It was in New York city, at about that time, with these discoveries, passed
a law making it legal for a women to show her breast. It will be in the next generation, when breast will be de - sexualized,
and as result will help to promote good social health at the sametime.