Ithaca Advertising Rates

Ithaca NightLife WebSite
Paris NightLife WebSite
Dance 4 America
Roger's Fashions and Trendsetters News
Ithaca, New York Modeling Registry
New York City NightLife WebSite
London Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC WebSite

Here is Ithaca, New York the advertising rates contained in this websites represents a very broad social - cultural spectra which focuses upon the popular searches reported by every major Intenet search engines in which your product and services can be  seen through - out the globe over night.  It will take less than hour in which your business or interests will be seen.  And thats the point.
To be seen!
The rests will be soley based upon what your are selling or informing.
The following rates and the websites in which are also listed are constantly growing and are being up - graded to get you noticed. You will also note the various key markets which are likewise being developed in which your products or service will likewise dominate the internet markets [ IE. Paris, France ] of your choice as well.
The massive cultural Internet website networking grids which are being likewise being developed represents the mainstream human social and cultural activity and are cross referenced into the very center of International InterCultural Communications allowing you to noticed by all economic classes of purchasers as well.

Advertise by iFrames or Pixels.

iFrames:  How do they look websites.

I-Frames is the best method as it will show you site immediately, and more important you can change your site as often as you like with out having to go through us.
Getting Seen.
$ 250.00 / 3 months basic IFrame with one link to main website being used as the market base.
The Power [ Entire InterNet Campaign ] program.
$ 1,200 / 3 months basic iFrame with 20 buttons / banner links to available and owned popular [ the top 20 ranked ] websites back to the basic iFrame webpage. What this does is to create a power wave of a sorts in which the websites which are being linked from which we alreay have already achived either a page rank of one, or two, twenty of them being linked to your iFrame webpage and link then boost this page, and since you are already linked to this portal link trick you likewise get a page ranking boost as well.  What you will get is the tripple affect.
First:  The iFrame and link webpage is a specific webpage on one of ours successful page ranked sites.  Thus you get add visiablity.
Second:  The iFrame and link itself will add to your website potential power base as an immediate result once the various spiders hits your site, or your webmaster resubmits your site to the search engines.
Three:  The twenty selected page ranked websites for content similarities to your business will be adding potential power to the iFrame webpage, and which will immediately transfer the benefits onto your website.  The power wave.
Base rate is $ 80.00 = 100 x 100 pixels [ botton size ]/ 3 months.

Sue's Small Black & White Patterns
Each box is 100 x 100 pixels.
$ 80.00               $ 160.00            $  240.00             $ 320.00
 160.00                  320.00               480.00                640.00
 240.00                  480.00               720.00                960.00 for the whole box above.

Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), NY website is seen through - out the world and according to reports its market value has risen considerably as a result.  The advertaing rates above were reduced by 40 % of the real market value-due to local economic slowdowns.