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Declarations on the Occasion of the International Day of La Francophonie – 2007/03/20
On March 20, 2007 International Day of la Francophonie was celebrated under the theme “Vivre
ensemble, différents.” The International Organization of La Francophonie noted that March 20 is a day for celebrating
the French language in multiple ways. Last year, some 1,264 events took place in 113 countries. Secretary-general of La Francophonie
Abou Diouf stated that this event gives the 200 million French speakers around the world the opportunity to celebrate their
common language every year. “It’s also the perfect opportunity for La Francophonie to state its commitment to
cultural diversity, as demonstrated by its strong support for the International Convention on Cultural Diversity, which was
adopted by UNESCO in 2005 and came into force on March 18, 2007,” he added.
In Canada, minister for La Francophonie and official languages Josée Verner stated that “This
day gives us an opportunity to celebrate our attachment to diversity and the richness of the French language and culture,
as well as the values of peace, democracy, and respect for human rights, which unite the members of the International Organization
of La Francophonie.”
In Québec, minister of international relations and minister responsible for La Francophonie Monique
Gagnon-Tremblay declared that “International Day of La Francophonie helps reinforce the feeling of belonging to the
international French-speaking community among Quebecers. It’s an opportunity for francophones everywhere to promote
their identity by taking part in events organized for the day.” In her press release, Minister Gagnon-Tremblay stated
that “the basis of La Francophonie is the rich linguistic heritage and cultural diversity that francophones wish to
safeguard.” The minister further noted that “through its actions here and on the world stage, Québec helps promote
the French language and defend a world vision grounded in cultural dialog and respect for the diversity of peoples.”
Minister Gagnon-Tremblay also mentioned that as the cradle of French-speaking North America, Québec intended to play its role
in La Francophonie to the fullest possible extent. “In keeping with that spirit, Québec will welcome the 12th Summit
of la Francophonie in autumn 2008, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the founding of Québec City,” added
the minister.
The International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural
Expressions: Conciliation as a dispute resolution method in the cultural sector, by Ivan Bernier and Nathalie Latulippe –
March 2007
Professor emeritus Ivan Bernier from the law faculty of Québec City, Canada’s Université Laval
and Ms. Nathalie Latulippe, a lawyer for Québec’s Ministère de la Justice have collaborated on a document addressing
the dispute resolution process inscribed in UNESCO’s Convention on the Protection and Promotion of Cultural Expressions.
Article 25 of the Convention contains clauses providing the opportunity for Parties in disagreement to appeal to a number
of different dispute resolution processes. These processes include finding a solution through negotiation, coming to a consensus
using good offices or third party mediation, and the possibility for either party to request that a board of conciliation
be tasked with suggesting a resolution that both parties would have to examine in good faith. The document by Bernier and
Latulippe is intended as a study of the dispute resolution process provided for by the Convention in light of the history
and practical application of this procedure in existing international conventions. You can now consult this document (in French) on our website. We are currently translating this document into English and