Groups Development:
One . The development of an email list.
Two. There after a number of 7 - 21 is reached, then suggesting the creation of an on - line internet
groups, for exchange of experiences, and the further development of chat rooms.
Three. The coming out stage, which within itslef will be propossed by the members of the on - line goups.
Note, this critical path development suggest that once a group is off and developing, others will be developed. This
creates a log refference in which issue development is then based upon serveral primary sources..
This give rise to the critical recognition of the full empowerment of the Individual
Rights to Self - Determination. Not within the present collectivism of local public polices.
This will demand cloase exmianation of both training and the inclusion of the wives at some points of his training.
The critical reason why the profile of males, professionals, children, two, and mid 30s, is based upon their, the males, sucessful
establishment of forming relationships necessary for marriages to continue. It is within the impact of how normal relationships
are devloped within this institution which thse males are the primary resouce of being the initial contact person, instead
of the tradition female to female. This solely rest upon the quality of self-assurance the female victim being
sexually atrtack by another female can instinctually feels from primarily males, and not in all causes, as it also must
be pointed out, who have the experiences already developed in the give and take with their wives.
This is also as a result of the gender gap:.