Welcome to your web site! Initial site: Ithaca, New York.
On this home page, I'll introduce your concerns about
a very difficult, and extremely painful aspect about sexual violence, and highlight important areas on our, those who
are aware of, concerned advocacy , along with future resolutions and perspectives. As it must be pointed out, that when
a women is sexually attack by another women, all the affects of victimization are modified, though on the
surface emotionally similar, as if the victim was sexually attacked by a male. She suffers further disorientations,
plus the additional needed proof that sexual violence did occur without her consent and additional burdens which follows:
Sexual self-esteem become's more confused with both the phychic structures of her personal values of the nature
and causalities of the attack and it's relationship to female sexual drives, and the legal limbo she becomes aware of-with
reference to present legal limited termenologies as it applies to criminal same sex rape , and assults-etc. " This revolves
around the issue of forced penitration as presently defined in the terms rape."
This has a direct bearing upon the victim's rights and abilities to fully re-empower themselves which
surrounds the critical issue of her rights to self - determination. Thus access to choice of gender for immediate help
is up most, as well as the necessary profiles which produces assurances when she makes that initial
phone call, contacts law enforcement, or walls into a resource center.
Thus males, as advocates, are urgently needed here:
Several interviews of victims has revealed this...
The vicitim is less likely to confide in another women, and the dissociative behavior becomes more rapid as the tauma
and gender confusion it has impacted within the female psychic constructs, and if not immediately resolve produces
a slow retreat from the cause of the trauma in an attempted defence to her ego emotional structures. Further gender
disorientation and other physical impact create the immediate need for her self-sexual image of gender, sexual esteme and
sexual self - determination needed to be immediately established.
Never-the-less, it is in the nature, issues of power and violence, and sexual dysfunction and fantasies prevailing sexual
behavioral structures of her attacker, which once consciously viewed by the victim makes it difficult to convey open'ly
the resulting causalities of her trauma, and the event itself, to another woman. Blame, confusion and further characteristics
of traditional networking issues becomes more oppressive if her own choosen sexual orientation is not immediately secured-which
under the present sexual social-body politic is riddled with anxieties about the gay community in general as a result of the
power causality of the attack itself.
This has created the demand for the following Male types who should be immediately recruited. This is contrary,
as it must be pointed out, to present operational proceedures.
Married, has two children, an established professional and who is in his early 30s.
Most Rape Victim advocates are against this, and the personel make up of agencies have not produced plausable case references
to servicing victims of same sex rape to full prosecution. There seems to be a socio-cultural entanglement in which
gay issues act a detertance in formulating a focus, and services are likewise distrusted by a same sex rape victim as a result.
Social stigmatism is not being associate in being attack by another woman, but that she could be stigmatised for being anti-gay
if she accuses, or she has caused the attack to occur-for partially being lesbian herself.
This deals directly with the sole issue of sexuality within the appeals and drives of sexual self-esteem and the associative
behaviors this entails..." Attraction to males, and solidification of sexuality and sexual self-esteem by consenting relationships
with males..."
It is in the emerging sociopolitical agenda which power and the perception of powers has indicated a distrubing
reluctance from females who have been sexually assaulted and raped by another female.
Other issues such as harassment verses seduction, assault verses consenting impluses, and emerging mythologies about
female to female relationships and networking all contribute to a mass of legal lack of recourse to affect action have all
What is not really viewed in the mean time, is that women are the primary advocates when a male is sexual attack by another
male. Why????......