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Academia - Ann Arbor, Michigan Social Calendar |
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Academia - Atlanta, Georgia Social Calendar |
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Academia - Austin, Texas Social Calendar |
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Academia, Binghamton, New York Social Calendar |
Birmingham, Alabama Social Calendar |
Academia - Birmingham, Alabama Social Calendar |
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Academia - Boston, Massachusetts Social Calendar |
Buenos Aires, Argentina Social Calendar |
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Academia, Buffalo, New York Social Calendar |
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Academia, Chicago, Illinois Social Calendar |
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Academia - Cleveland, Ohio Social Calendar |
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Academia - Columbus, Ohio Social Calendar |
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Cortland, New York Social Calendar |
Academia, Cortland, New York |
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Academia, Dallas, Texas |
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Academia, Elmira, New York Social Calendar |
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Academia, New York City, New York |
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This is the Local, National, and International Social Calendar WebSite.
The purpose is to allow those event producers who are on limited publicity budgets access to a vital resource in which to
publish their on - going weekly events. This likewise applies to those who have larger budgets.
None the less, and possibly more important, this gives the person who is using this site
to plan out effectively be their planned destination city, and creating this site inorder for them to additionally do some cross
referencing of other communities' events; and just may have influenced their decision to expand their travels. While
these interests are being served an additional, and likewise this sites central importance is that it provides immediate proof
of International InterCultural Communications in this sites comparative of events between the communities contained within
this site being produced while at the sametime encouraging wider promotions of these produced events at the sametime.
If you are an event producer which has an on - going weekly event you should look up your
city's listing, and if listed, then fill out the interactive form reporting who you are, represent, and the event, or events you
are producing.
You will note several cultural blocks are included in these WebPages, or activities / resources.
These are the cultural resources, sort of cultural playing or an InterNet playground, in which will prove handy in broadening
your vacation scope, personal travel conversations, especially with those who are sharing you airline seat next to you, as
well as helping your family find more interests in the areas in which you are visiting.
Ithaca, New York is the community in which this Free Service is authored by Mr. Roger M. Christian is from.....
Ithaca, New York is a great city of opportunities. Moreover, it is
a community in which you can personally grow and get in touch.
This web site is among others are designed by
Mr. Roger M. Christian to bring to Ithaca and the surrounding communities,IE. Dryden, needed visions. The city of Ithaca
is at a point of making a historic change, and if that chnage is to be for the better, then other things will also have to
happen first. Right now, there are several defensive , and emotional fear anxieity related which has created resistance
socio-cultural blocks to getting involve. Nonetheless, and once you examine this site in its completion, then you will
begin to comprehend the necessay vision for Ithaca to grow and prosper.
Dance 4 America Online Publications

The Obama Era Begins |

Initiation Spur:
Academic focus and beyond campus activities.
Cornell University is both an academic institution as well as a research center. It is it's research
capacity this focus is to concentrate upon. The city of Ithaca, New York is the prime community which facilitates the
public untilities, and off campus services of Cornell University, as well as Ithaca College, TC3, Wells College, and Empire
State College. None-the-less, the city of Ithaca which now must look for additional opportunities for advancing the
social, economic, and cultural needs of it's citizens, and not Cornell University or Ithaca College.
Thus Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), NY intercultural initiative and mission is now three fold:
1. Establish an Inter- City Cultural Communications Network ( This is now 40% completed )
2. Promote the city of Ithaca as the Cultural Magnet Destination City of the Tri - State Region
of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. ( This is now an acknowledged International known campaign - as copies of this
promotional have appeared.).
3. Provide a focus in which to attract others, especially those who are local researchers-whose
technological innovation has clean industrial applications , to investigate the development of alternative National and International
Services, and Exportive Entertainment services and futures industries. ( This is the newest component ).
Developemental Extractions:
This website was developed to attract the attention of students / scholars, and top researchers at Cornell
University and Ithaca College - who have the ability and interests to create and broaden the economic - industrial based of
the city of Ithaca, New York
Social Extractions:
Off campus activities offer a broader range of social and cultural opportunities which are not present on
campus. Moreover, the connections between personal aspirations and testing ones abilities to manisfest these aspirations
in both social and cultural marketable terms are impelling factors to participate off campus. The limitations for on
campus activities are in their dynamics are driven by administrative anxieites. Where as limitations for off campus
activities are solely determined by both market dynamics and rule of law, and their internal safety systems of legal
redress and relief.
Employment Extractions:
The first initiative for part time applications for employment is now based upon a search for On-Campus representitives
who earnings are based upon generous commissions rates for high quality and top notched goods and services
Subscribe to European Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC InterNet Group: |
Visit this group |

1. Ithaca, New York A Gritty upstate City Where the Grassroots are
By Jon Spayde
There's a faintly penciled line of graffitti in the men's room at the DeWitt Mall in downtown Ithaca, New York,
that reads: "Places for graffitti like this provide a forum for people who otherwise might not be able to express themselves!"
You've got to love a town where populist values are on display so openly-and so politely-even in the john. For
that matter, you've got to love a town where a "mall" can be a converted high school, now occupied by a pair of scholarly
bookstores (used and new), a shop that sells African drums, a world-famous vegetarian restaurant (Moosewood), and an array
of alternative service providers ranging from bodywork to the office of a citywide arts festival. A town where the Chamber
of Commerce lets its members pay part of their dues in a colorful local currency adorned not with dead presidents but with
local heroes and indigenous animals. A town where the Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute puts on an exhibition of
Tibetan paintings in an Elks club.
It's the same story nearly everywhere you go in this college town of 30,000 (plus 20,000 students) at the southern
end of Cayuga Lake in south-central New York. From the famous Ithaca Hours alternative currency system, a local form of money
that's accepted by hundreds of merchants, to EcoVillage, a housing community dedicated to practicing the values of environmental
sustainability, Ithaca stands as the very model of the word alternative, which here is understood to mean a serious, thoughtful,
powerful civic force with many faces and a strong inclination toward social inventiveness. The innovations coming out of Ithaca
offer a worthy challenge to what one Ithacan I spoke to called "the business-as-usual crowd."
And make no mistake, business as usual is part of the Ithaca scene too. There's a strip-U.S. Highway 13 north
of town-with a very unfunky mall (Pyramid) that wouldn't be out of place in Anysuburb, USA. There's sprawl, although local
activists waged a 14-year struggle that finally stopped plans to put a four-lane highway through the city and fought for three
years-successfully-to keep Wal-Mart away. There's a small ghetto at the south end of Ithaca: "not a dysfunctional neighborhood,
but a troubled one," as another local told me. The Commons-a highly walkable two-block pedestrian mall that forms the core
of downtown-has some vacant storefronts amid its lively mix of shops. And Cornell University, the Ivy League behemoth whose
vast campus sits astride steep East Hill like a feudal castle compound, is both a powerful force for change (many "alternative"
townies are Cornell spouses or alumni) and-as progressives who have fought to unionize the university and make it contribute
its fair share to the municipal government will tell you-a bulwark of the status quo. So, far from being a countercultural
Eden where good vibes have solved all urban ills, Ithaca is a work in progress. What's stunning about the place, though, is
the sheer volume and quality of social innovation, pragmatic activism, spiritual seeking, open debate, and homemade and imported
cultural fun that goes on here-in an atmosphere of robust local pride.
There's a lot to be proud of, and to protect. Right in the middle of the Commons is a public sculpture, a big
brick circle, around which, at the correct compass points, are many of the names you need to know to orient yourself in the
Ithaca landscape: Cornell, of course (to the northeast), and South Hill (where Ithaca College sits), Buttermilk Falls, Inlet
Island, West Hill, Cayuga Lake. Ithacans love and take advantage of their lucky perch between the brainpower of Cornell and
the beauty of the surrounding hills. "From my house," boasts Ithaca Hours founder Paul Glover, "I can walk four blocks in
one direction and use the Cornell library-one of the biggest collections of information in the world-or go four blocks in
the other direction and dive naked into a lake."
Continue ... Ithaca Night Life ( NightLife ), NY ... |
Social and Cultural News Reports [ CentralSite ].
Destination Cities :
Alexandria Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
The City of Miami and Miami Beach Night
Life ( NightLife ), RMC
The Cultural Magnet Destination City
Campaign Website Network:
Covering the world with an important initiative;
this is the real foundation for creating understandings ( note the plural ).
Athens Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC - WebPage ] Atlanta Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [
CMDC - WebPage ] Berlin Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC - WebPage ] Buffalo Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [
CMDC - WEbPage ] Chicago Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC - WebPage ] Cortland Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [
CMDC - WebPage ] Dallas Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [
CMDC - WebPage ] Elmira Night Life ( NIghtLife ), RMC [ CMDC - WebPage ] Gdansk Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC - WebPage ] Kiev Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC - WebPage ] London Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC
- WebPage ] Los Angeles Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
[ CMDC - WebPage ] Madrid Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC
- WebPage ] The City of Miami and Miami Beach Night
Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC - WebPage ] Moscow Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
[ CMDC - WebPage ] New York City Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC
[ CMDC - WebPage ] Oslo Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC - WebPage ] Paris Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC - WebPage ] Prague Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC - WebPage ] Syracuse Night Life ( Nightlife ), RMC [
CMDC - WebPage ] Tel Aviv Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [
CMDC - WebPage ] Toronto Night Life ( NightLife ), RMC [ CMDC - WebPage ]
Strategic Links:
Places this site in areas of excellent traffic. Add them to your lists of link exchanges
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InterCultural Communications Programs:
International International Communications: There a several aspects in shared human experiences, and the aspiration they contain which bond a people to a culture
and behavior. The ongoing process of development contained within this website sequencing of websites are to give bench
marks of what is entailed in various culture's and nation's experience.
InterCultrual Communications: There is a process in how to examine then promote basic features of the full cultural experience. This website
is an interactive education - orientation process which likewise enlist additonal information by each participant of there
own efforts of personal discoveries; thus will add them according to the value of the information being provided.