Some attention should directed at find an education base within Israel itself which best relates to your parental efforts.
This means that in the realities of the envionment in which you live, the quality of lifestyles and local social and cultural
ethos should be carefully examined thourghly. Outside of major urban centers where there are supportive social and cultural
constructs-though at times margainal in certain times and era-the smaller communities suffer definciencies in this critical
influencing behaviorial aspect of the child's development of a personality. Thus accommodating an Israeli institutions
as a support partner, and make sure they, the Israeli organization who you are consulting, understand the meaning " a support
partner thourghly " will assure your focus of the child's well being as in the following:
One: That an Israeli education is on a higher sandard of student education and physical joint - equalitive achivements.
Two: The Israeli social and cultural ethos ,as it refelcts the critical support of the centralities of Israeli
childrearing to the very existance of The State of Israel, has a more profound impact on the child's personal and individual
efforts in forming their " own " dynamic Jewish perosnallty.
Three: That the resultant of the experience of the child having both an American and Israeli education eleminates
" The Jewish American Persona of Dualities " in the future and role function of American Jewish Community.