Social Dance Calendar National Program Launched:
In the following cities, Bignhamton, Buffalo, Chicago, Miami, New York City, Rochester,
Syracuse, Toronto, and Washington DC Dance Calendar forms, and applications have been posted on the internet. These are developed
to foster closer communications and available information for the traveler who enjoys social dancing. Moreover, there
is a code rating to alert the dance hobbist if the social dance is for the promotion of dance lessons.
Nonetheless here is an exampke of the form of this effort is taken placed.
Click on link below for Social Dance Calendar Ithaca:
Dance Ithaca E - Magazine = Ballroom, Dance, Performance, Ithaca, Latin, Dance, Performance,
Ithaca, Swing, Dance, Performance, Ithaca, Lindy Hop, Dance, Performance, Ithaca, and Social, Dance, or Dances, Ithaca.
5th National Dance Week at Ithaca
Main event set for June 2005 at The Historic State Theatre.
Other events are to be listed:

On this page we will list all of the dance staged events within Tompkins county as part of my public service.
Please check, and contribute news items, dance gossip ( mostly of which I probably wont use ), and photos of dancers
in action, in often. I will frequently strenghten and up date this magazine with new items from sources outside
of New York State, and America. The reason is to provide the local community with something useful when it comes to
It is also to educate the local community with informative items which can be documented by at least three
oral and printed differing combination sources.
This process, the E - Magzine mission is to up-lift the dance standard of Ithaca, New York.
Dance Promotions - ADs:


Aprial 29th, 2004
Dance Socials Begins:
New dance socials initiative begins with Ballroom
Dance hosted by Wessex - Bristol Gallery of the Arts. Dance foreman will be Ithaca Dance Master Roger M. christian-
requersted by Wessex - Bristols manager. Time for the dance is 8:00 to 10:00 PM.

Click on for Web Site- Ithaca Socials . |
Join the Women's Circle Dance Troupe.
Non Instructor Social Dance Events.
