Sent to:
La Familia de la Salsa
As per comference calls to The Escuela Nacional de Arte, University of Havana, and other contacts, especially those who
I have track down from my street days in Havana 1956 - 1958 - for whom Chas Chas Plaza was named for, the tradition of Latina
Danza in America has been abused. ( 1997 - 2000 ). Moreover, and based upon regional view - this is the on going
standard. Thus I am emailing you.
There is single responsiability to those who brought Latina Danza to forefront of International popularity
which have not been regionally or Nationally realized, and for which and due to the American culture of exploitation many
dance traditions are now being lost to those who look only for glory and money.
Latin dance is this tradition of the working poor, and from which the greater of diversity of human creativity was awsome,
as I was swept up in its vortex when I was eight - 1955-least of all and if you are not 50 or older, you will have no concept
Thus the demand for you amd your group to be extremely careful - which fucked up Ithaca has not been able to do,
The central reason why you should.
It was the introduction of the wordage of " Salsa " in New York City, developed by cheap promoters with the New York
Times and Post looking on in favor, to take - by fierce promtions ( 1974 - 1990, emphasizing breaking on the one beat ) the
dance cultural leadership away from Havana, Cuba. Mambo was at it's core target - though Eddie Torrez led the resistance
there. Moreover, Castro's government likewise sought to cut - off the creativity of the Working Poor to in its traditional
Cuban rolls, and thus making Cuba weaker to combat the New York City onslaught. As a result basement music, hidding
from the Cuban cultural police ( arrest were also made on the charge of decadence in music or dance), along with
an assortment of street dancing emerged. Reuda was just a tiny spot.
Thus New York City became dominate as the American US Foreign Policy of Cuba's isolation guranteed its dominance far
into the 21st Century. Son Montuno has lost its cultural voice, Mambo's initial performance creativity and productive
historic choreograhy being wasted and ignored ( as the necessary dance standard and faster tempos demands greater physicalities
and ballet preparation were avoided - as they still are -) and Guaracha is almost on its way out, along with the
lost of Son de Cuba ( Cuba's initial style of Lambada ), the true Bolero, and Danzon de Son.
The question for you and your group...are you going to continue the exploitation.......
I am 59 and I am tired, and in my 51 years of dancing I am getting very sick at the overall American attitudes, false
accusations, Ithaca being the sickest of them all, and most of all the phonies who will lie for a dime. You have no
idea, none at all.
Mr. Roger M. Christian
With the introduction of badly needed educational and informative
internet formats to collect and published quality information and story shorts, the over all objective of making Ithac
the National Cultural Magnet Destination City can
now be precieved as workable. Thus dance is just one item. The others, and just important items are The Foundation for
Arab - Israeli Reconciliation-Ithaca, New York, which also meant I had to show my own Zionist flagg in doing so and thus The Israel Information Center Ithaca is
now gain ranking also. The Directory, Star Child,
International Student-Scholars Inter-Cultural Resoruces
and now in the works Alternatives in Child-Rearing (
to be published soon ). With this plus the Night Life series, there is now Latina Danza websites
coming up, as well as an expanded Ithaca Dance
Therefore, the dance elements will grow much slower, and the overall
education phase will start to dominate my creativity impluses. With this in mind, what the combination of all the sites
are doing is laying the basis - foundations also of a fait accompli Free University of a sorts.
With this in mind there are some other issues outside the
field range of my own personal scope as I becoming worried about Paul Glover. His brilliant development of low cost
insurance program is now under review by those who are not interested in see his latest efforts getting off. Like the
Ithaca Hours, his plan is thought out to every detail, and should only be judge by those within Ithaca. Period.
Nonetheless, as one page after web page is designed, you
will notice a shift, as others through the world have already gotten the message way a head of those of you within Ithaca's
sphere. And the emails have prove it. You see the spaming is rapid'ly decreasing as quality proposal are coming
There is alot of hard work ahead of me, and I hope people
will understand the degree of how that quality of work has caused others in other communities to start thei own likewise ventures
- using me as a model - for there are now similar attempts by others to make their own communities National Cultural Magnet
Destination Cities. Denver just jumped on the band wagon I am modeling here within Ithaca.
Mr. Roger M. Christian, September 3, 2004,
Tri Falcon and Dove Dance Academy launches three new public service internet programs.
1. Is to promote Ithaca as The Cultural Magnet Destination City
of New York State.
2. To inform the Nation about the Ithaca Social Dance Economy
Two: Dance is Fun Movement web sites which incorporates The Ithaca
Social Dance Economy Program built upon student alumni of Tri Falcon and Dove Dance Academy living
in Binghamton, Buffalo, Miami, New York City, Rochester, Syracuse, Toronto, and Washington DC. " Dance must not be political. " Latina Danza de Arte Master
Roger M. Christian. He initiated these efforts with the purpose to reform the Social Dance Instruction Industry by incorporating
economy concerns, and the top traditional dance and instructional ethics developed by both Arthur Murray Dance Studios, and
Fred Astaire Dance Studios.
Three: Star _Child is a very special public service project which began while Mr. Christian
was looking for babysitters for his dance clients.
Rap-Up: Mr. Christian sees these special services as a means
to develop stronger network community bonds within the growing netweork of social dance concerns, individuals, and professional
facilitation of the various personal goals of enjoyment of the community of Ithaca, New York. Moreover, and with constant
diligence, Mr. Christian will look to improve both the objectives of these services, and to develop a better means of facilitating
the means of his dance students / clients interests in dance.
Teacher conventions to follow.
Write letters to the editor.
Tell me what you think.
This is where I will give the local dance
community a chance to tell their story, and what they think about the local dance scene. Is there anything you would
like to see me offer? Do you have any questions or comments? My business depends on the Clients' Rights to Self - Determination,
so please let me know what you think.
Just click this address to send me e-mail:
Or give me a call at (607) 339-7533.
Do want to dance here??? |

Write us and tell why. |
Related Links
In this area, we will include any links related to our business or that we think will interest our customers. We may also
provide links to other interesting shops you may want to visit.
Other Newsletters:
Below AOL site on the Feature Story
" Hidden Dance Culture "
( common experience with children with Down's Syndrome
Clients' Rights to Self - Determination
Yahoo's Geocities.Com Page:
The entire reason for the economy approach to dance
instruction is based upon my personal awareness that most people within Tompkins County can not afford dance lessons,
as per the charges implemented by other dance instructors. What has occured is that only a very narrow socio-economic
group of individuals were able to afford these charges. Moreover, and largely due to this group of individuals, social
dance, as a means to enjoy one self has become highly politicalized by the single fact that instructors now control the social
dance scene.
As a result, and within their own income anxieties,
the instructor's that is, the area has been witnessed to their creation of the emergence of two major dance cults, with
three mini ones in full stage of their development. This has triggered behavior which has intimidated the main stream
Ithaca public from enjoying dance-they do not like being solicited in taking dance lessons at public dance venues, and dance
venues are now sales platforms. Where are they, the mainstream public? They, who can afford it, are
going to Syracuse and else-where, along with taking lessons outside of Tompkins County-they do not like the personalities
who control dance in Ithaca.
However, it is those who can not afford one of the
most inexpensive means to enjoy life and find union among others in that enjoyment who have been negatively affected.
The other side of the coin, is that those who are in control in the social dance scene are not even aware of the actions in
creating social anxeity, especially for males taking dance lessons.
None the less, this will be delt with, in as much
as beneath the various facades which exist within the local dance scene, are real personal fears. It is the personal
fears of failing in life which now propels the direction of dance in Ithaca, and not the courtesies in life which make dance
Dance is wonderful, and should be enjoyed by all.
This is my mission.